INALP Introduction
INALP is an association that aims to represent the legal professionals of India on a global platform while promoting the rule of law and serving the society. INALP aims to bring together the Indian legal fraternity with the global peers on a platform to ensure that every legal professional gets ample opportunities to evolve on par within the international legal ecosystem. INALP is an initiative to deliberate on important issues like trade law, investment law, ADR, climate change law & human rights law and to provide solid policy recommendations to the government on various critical issues.
With the cumulative efforts of all the members of INALP, the association aspires to foster the feeling of collegiality and uphold the honour and integrity of the legal profession. The global reach of INALP is strengthened by the association of legal professionals in the country and abroad, which stimulates the wave of upliftment by means of advancement. INALP aims to focus & deliberate on issues that are of global importance and more practical shaping the real course of development and economics.
INALP is born out of the conviction to serve the legal community of the country and to make the professionals acquainted with the current developments in the legal sphere and to have them learn the knowledge from experts.
The association strives to:
- Transform the global legal community with the affluence of diverse membership and partnerships.
- Develop academic resources through research.
- Cultivate the Indian legal profession & education system in line with global best practices.
- Offer policy recommendations to governmental & inter-governmental bodies on important issues.
- Uphold the interest of every legal professional in India.
- Advance and advocate the rule of law in India.
- Ensure that legal help is within reach for every Indian, despite their background.
- Capacity building of young lawyers and law students.
- Promoting the liberalization of the Indian legal market while protecting the interests of Indian lawyers.