Fabíola Utzig Haselof has been a Federal Judge in Brazil since 2005, currently presiding over a Criminal District Court in Rio de Janeiro. From January 2017 to February 2019, she served as a Federal Court of Appeals Judge sitting by designation, participating in panels specialized in the Law of Taxation and Administrative Law.
She is a graduate of Rio de Janeiro State University and has a Master’s Degree (2017) and a Doctoral Degree (2022). Judge Haselof has been a Visiting Scholar at Fordham University (2019-2020) and at Columbia University (2020). She is also a NYC Bar Association affiliate member and the Chair of its Anti-Corruption & Compliance Subcommittee of the Inter-American Affairs Committee.
Judge Haselof has researched, written and spoken extensively on International Law, the mixture of Civil Law and Common Law (mixed jurisdictions), Anti-Corruption Law and International Conventions. Besides various articles in specialized publications, she also is the author of two books: Jurisdições Mistas (Mixed Jurisdictions), published in Brazil by Forum Editor in 2018 (jurisdicoesmistas.com.br), and Como As Nações Prosperam – Cooperação Internacional e as Ações Mais Poderosas Contra Corrupção Transnacional (How Nations Prosper – International Cooperation and The Most Powerful Actions Against Transnational Corruption) published by Forum Editor in 2022 (comoasnacoesprosperam.com.br)
She also takes great pleasure in being a General and/or Academic organizer of international courses that promote interactions amongst judges, prosecutors and lawyers from different countries, such as the New Trends in the Common Law (London, 2018), and New Trends II (London, 2019) both at the IALS (Institute of Advanced Legal Studies) and the U.S. Legal System (New York, 2020) at Fordham University NY.
She has developed a special interest in the North American, South Korean, Singaporean, and Indian Anti-Corruption legal framework, each of which are addressed in her latest book published, as she believes we can learn and greatly benefit from the experiences of other countries.